Written by Assistente on November 29, 2018 in Blog

Brazil may have shed its dictatorship 25 years ago, but human rights abuses and a military police remain .

The Guardian , 2014


By the middle of July, the Brazilian government will have spent more than $12bn on hosting the World Cup, but the costs that this mega-event could bear for the country’s identity – an emerging power with a robust democracy – might be far higher. Basic democratic rights such as freedom of expression, association and assembly that have been hard fought for in the more than 30 years since the dictatorship, are now at risk.

Today, when thousands of tourists pack into the Itaquera stadium in São Paulo for the opening game of the World Cup, it will have been nearly a year since mass demonstrations erupted across the country. The government has not only failed to provide an adequate response, it has also actively sought to repress them.

ACESSE: As the World Cup action begins, Brazil’s hard-fought democracy is under threat.