Jacqueline Sinhoretto (DS-UFSCar)
She is an associate professor at the Federal University of São Carlos / Department of Sociology. Leads the UFSCar Study Group on Violence and Conflict Management. He has experience in Sociology of Justice Administration and Sociology of Violence, acting mainly on the following themes: institutional conflict management, access to justice, violence, public security, justice system, prisons, state crime control. She is a researcher at the INCT Institute for Comparative Studies in Institutional Conflict Management and CNPq Productivity Scholarship
Liana de Paula
She is a professor of sociology at the Department of Sciences at the Federal University of São Paulo – UNIFESP and a researcher at the Conflict Research Group – Gevac / UFSCar, who is part of the INCT Institute for Comparative Studies in Institutional Conflict Management – InEAC. Leads the Research Group on Citizenship, Violence and Administration of Justice – CiVAJ / Unifesp and is a member of the Research Group on Government, Ethics and Subjectivity – GES. She was a visiting researcher at the King’s Brazil Institute at King’s College London and at the Criminology Institute at the University of Cambrigde, with support from Fapesp (2017-2018). The research interests are, mainly, the sociology of violence, crime and deviation and the sociology of childhood and youth, which are focused on policies aimed at assisting adolescents in conflict (socio-educational system); youth violence; administration of justice; criminal alternatives and alternative conflict resolution; and urban violence.
She holds a doctorate and a master’s degree in sociology from the University of São Paulo – USP and a degree in Social Sciences from the University of Brasília – UnB.
> Lattes
Giane Silvestre
PhD by the Graduate Program in Sociology at UFSCar. FAPESP Scholarship. Advisor: Profª. Drª. Jacqueline Sinhoretto. Research: State social control in the face of the new organization of the “world of crime”.
> Lattes
Juliana Tonche
She holds a bachelor’s degree (2007) in Social Sciences from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), a master’s degree (2010) from the Post-Graduate Program in Sociology of the same institution, a PhD (2015) from the Post-Graduate Program in Sociology of University of São Paulo (USP), with sandwich period at the Department of Criminology at the University of Ottawa (Canada) and Post-doctorate at the Department of Sociology at USP with the FAPESP Thematic Project “; Conflict management in the production of the contemporary city: a paulista experience “. He has experience in Sociology, with an emphasis on Sociology of conflict management and Sociology of professions, having worked mainly on the theme of restorative justice. The main areas of interest today are urban sociology and access to justice. Researcher at the Study Group on Violence and Conflict Management (GEVAC-UFSCar) and Center for Anthropology of Law (NADIR – USP).
Helton Luiz Gonçalves Damas
PhD in Sociology at PPGS-UFSCar. Author of the thesis “An invention of subjectivities in pacification markets: a study on entrepreneurs in the tourist favela / RJ.” guided by Profª. Drª. Jacqueline Sinhoretto
Felipe Athayde Lins de Melo
PhD in Sociology from PPGS-UFSCar, with the thesis “The Brazilian prison system: disputes and accommodation in the emergency of prison management”, guided by Prof. Drª Jacqueline Sinhoretto.
André Sales S. Cedro.
Master’s degree from the Graduate Program in Sociology at UFSCar. CAPES Scholarship. Advisor: Profª. Drª. Jacqueline Sinhoretto. Research: Lethal Intentional Violent Crimes in the Municipality of Luziânia – GO: Interpersonal conflicts and the reciprocity of revenge.
> Lattes.
Paula Paschoal Rodrigues Garcia
Paula Paschoal Rodrigues Garcia. Master’s student at the Graduate Program in Sociology at UFSCar. Advisor: Profª. Drª. Jacqueline Sinhoretto. Research: Beyond bars and padlocks: the experience of women from the prison system in the city of São Paulo.
David Esmael Marques da Silva.
PhD student at the Graduate Program in Sociology at UFSCar. Advisor: Profª. Drª. Jacqueline Sinhoretto. Research: Slaughter and Crime Control in São Paulo.
> Lattes
Henrique Macedo
PhD student at the Graduate Program in Sociology at UFSCar. Advisor: Profª. Drª. Jacqueline Sinhoretto. Research: The Management of Territories, Streets and Bodies: The ostensible policing model in the state of São Paulo.
Eduardo Rossler
Master’s student at the Graduate Program in Sociology at UFSCar. CAPES Scholarship. Advisor: Profª. Drª. Jacqueline Sinhoretto. Research: The village, the neighborhood and the prison: New perspectives on the concept of imprisonment in locations adjacent to the Campinas -Hortolândia Penitentiary Complex.
> Lattes.
Jade Cavalli
Master’s student at the Graduate Program in Sociology at UFSCar. Advisor: Profª. Drª. Jacqueline Sinhoretto. Research: The crack of the Hammer: an analysis of the sentences of patrimonial crimes in the city of São Carlos.
Carolina Costa Pereira
Graduating in Social Sciences, with an emphasis in Sociology, from the Federal University of São Carlos. CNPq fellow, research member: Policies and race relations: study on contemporary forms of crime control. Supervised by: Profª. Drª. Jacqueline Sinhoretto.
Maria Teresa Lopes
Henrique Cezar Souza de Oliveira
Graduating in social sciences with an emphasis in Sociology at UFSCar. Advisor: Profª. Drª. Jacqueline Sinhoretto. Research on Fear of Crime has developed among the university population.